Full Testimonials
Tammy A., Gr. 3 Teacher, Central Alberta
As an experienced teacher, new to grade three, the MMMathMania group and the educators who contributed to the resource bank have been an invaluable resource. Not only does the group provide FREE games, they created videos demonstrating how to introduce the games to my class, use the games and make modifications for diverse groups. They also break down how to teach complex concepts (like multiplication) - including slide shows, lesson ideas, literature connections and games to support student learning - ALL FREE.
The group also has provided online interactive professional learning opportunities (Both Saturday sessions and short mini sessions to share resources.)
The math friendly language is parent friendly and so easy to share with families who are working from home or have had to isolate. These AMAZING educators have been a life saver for this teacher! If you don't follow them on YouTube, Teachers Pay teachers, Facebook and any other social media platform, look them up! You'll be so thankful and your children/students will reap the benefits! Thank you MMMathManiacs!!!
Jayme L., Gr 3 Teacher, Olds Alberta.
I work for Red Deer Catholic and one of my colleagues posted about Multiplication Secrets...Exposed. It has been a game changer for me. Math is not my strong suit - I struggle to be confident in my ability to teach it in a way that is sequenced properly, engaging and pushes my students into deeper thinking. Your outline gave me the confidence that I needed to feel that I was sequencing things properly (without leaving anything important out) along with a number of fun and engaging games. Thank you so much.
Julie Murray
Elementary RTI Math Interventionist
Illinois, USA
I am so glad to have found MMMathMania! My students love every game I have tried with them. My third graders enjoyed the Cookies and Chips game so much during summer school, they asked to play again all week. Thank you MMMathMania for helping equip me with math activities that my students look forward to and get excited about!