Place Value Games
"Thinking of a Number"
A quick and easy game to develop number sense and confidence with greater and less than. Can be played whole class as a warm up or sponge activity.
Our favorite games that help develop a strong understanding of place value.
"Place value pickle"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 1000. Fun to play as teacher versus students and in partners/small groups.
"Mind Reader"
An engaging warm up activity to do as a whole class. After watching our short video, we have all the FREE downloads you'll need to get started with this engaging warm up activity in your class!
"D&P Guess my Number"
A fun, no prep game to develop number sense up to 100. We start off playing whole class teacher vs students, then eventually the students play in partners/small groups.
"Decade line up"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 1000. Fun to play as teacher versus students and in partners/small groups.
"Roll on place value"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 100 000. Easy to differentiate for lower numbers and even decimals! This game is copyrighted by Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks and has been used with permission.
"Place Value Battle"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 1000. Fun to play as teacher versus students and in partners/small groups.
"capture my number"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 100 and help students get familiar with the hundreds chart.
"Rock and roll"
A fun, no prep, fast paced game to develop number sense. Easy to differentiate, this quick game can be used as an energizer! This game is copyrighted by Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks and has been used with permission.
"rapid rep"
A fun, low prep game to practice representing numbers in a variety of ways!
"high or low"
A fun, no prep game solitaire style game to develop number sense, reasoning and probability.
"Switch it"
A fun, no prep game game than involves some risk! A student and teacher favourite. Easy to differentiate.