Multiplication Games
"intro to multiplication"
A hands-on way to introduce multiplication to your students is to use collections of objects to help them understand that multiplication is all about having equal groups!
"cookies and chocolate chips"
A fun, no prep game to provide students with engaged practice of representing multiplication as equal groups!
"Beat my Equal group"
​A fun, NO prep game to help solidify students' understanding that multiplication is all about having equal groups!
"real world arrays"
A fun way to introduce the concept of arrays to your students using chocolate bars!
"exploring arrays with lego"
A fun, low prep, hands on way using a Lego to help children understand the concept of arrays.
"Array hurray"
A fun, low prep game to help students develop their understanding of representing multiplication using arrays.
"array tetris"
Another fun, low prep game to help students develop their understanding of representing multiplication using arrays.
"multiplication mats"
Use this mat to help solidify your students' understanding of multiplication by representing it in multiple ways, including making arrays and relating it to repeated addition.
​Our favourite games that help our students develop a strong foundation of the process of multiplication and fun games to help our students learn their multiplication facts.
"multiplicaTION Squares"
A fun, low prep game to develop number sense up to 1000. Fun to play as teacher versus students and in partners/small groups.
"connect 4 multiplication"
A fun, low prep game for students to practice their multiplication facts.
"The product game"
A fun, low prep game for practicing multiplication facts that involves strategy. This game was created by the NCTM.